Figure Maker - Extension Module for QuickPHOTOCreate Composite Figures for Publications Effortlessly!

Figure Maker is an extension software module for QuickPHOTO programs for creating composite figures for publication of microscope or macro images within a few minutes. The user has full control over layout, dimensions and resolution (DPI) of the resulting figure. Calibrated scale bars and labels can be inserted into all particular images with a single click. Scale bars and labels will have uniform size, appearance, shift etc.

 Brochure - life science

 Brochure - technical applications

 User guide

How It Works

Define figure dimensions and resolution

Set DPI resolution of the figure and its dimensions in selected units according to the journal specification.

Figure Maker dimensions settings

Place images

Images can be easily placed into a desired layout. Dimensions, zoom and region of interest of each image can be adjusted intuitively.

Figure Maker images placing

Insert scale bars and labels

Calibrated scale bars and labels can be inserted to all images with a single click. Their position, orientation and appearance can be easily adjusted.

Figure Maker scale bars and labels inserting

Export the figure

Export the figure with and option to define borders and spaces between particular images, and publish it.

Figure Maker exporting the figure


Custom Size and DPI

Predefined or custom size of the figure in various units (mm, µm, in, mils, thou, pc, px); resolution in DPI according to the journal specification

Custom Layout

Any layout of the images can be created. Auxiliary grid helps to place images.

ROI Selection

Using the navigator a desired area of interest from each image can be displayed without a need of image cropping.


Snapping feature helps to precisely define size and position of images in the desired layout.

Automatic Scale Bars Inserting

Scale bars can be inserted into all particular images at once with a single mouse click or into each image individually.

Scale Bars

Setting of length in required units (mm, µm, nm, in, mils, thou), position, shift, color (black, white), orientation (horizontal, vertical), thickness, displaying the value above or below the scale bar, not displaying the value, font type, font size, background (black, white, no background)

Automatic Labeling

Labels can be inserted automatically into all images (A, B, C…, a, b, c…, 1, 2, 3…), or a desired text can be typed into each image individually.


Options to define text, position, shift, font type, font size, background shape (no background, square, rectangle, circle), text color (black, white), background color (white, black)

Exporting Formats

Figures can be exported as JPEG, TIFF, PNG or BMP type in color (24-bit RGB) or grey scale format.


Users can write comments for particular images and also for the entire project.

Project Saving

Saving into project files enables to save all the necessary information and images in one file and load it at any time to continue working where you have stopped last time.

Figure Maker Sample Figures

System Requirements

Minimum RequirementsRecommended Specifications
ProcessorSingle-core 2.4 GHz or multi-core processorIntel® Core™ i5 / AMD RYZEN™ 5 or better
Operating Memory2 GB4 GB or more
Operating SystemMicrosoft® Windows®
7/8/8.1/10/11 (32bit or 64bit)
Microsoft® Windows®
10/11 (64bit)
Display Resolution1280 x 10241920 x 1080 or higher
QuickPHOTO version3.03.2
Minimum Requirements
ProcessorSingle-core 2.4 GHz or multi-core processor
Operating Memory2 GB
Operating SystemMicrosoft® Windows® 7/8/8.1/10/11 (32bit or 64bit)
Display Resolution1280 x 1024
QuickPHOTO version3.0
Recommended Specifications
ProcessorIntel® Core™ i5 / AMD RYZEN™ 5 or better
Operating Memory4 GB or more
Operating SystemMicrosoft® Windows® 10/11 (64bit)
Display Resolution1920 x 1080 or higher
QuickPHOTO version3.2

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